June 28, 2011

The Logo

Although it is not the finally design...

...this will be my stamp for the time being. You will see this on just about everything that I create in the future; from sample logos and desktop pictures, to photos that I manipulate to applications and programs.

If you happen to see photo's or any other form of software floating around the internet with this logo on it...just know that it is associated with Plan3Design.net

Welcome to Plan 3 Design

Whats going on fellow bloggers and readers. I basically am going to be using Plan 3 Design to show case my skills and as a portfolio for in design, programming, etc. I'm primarily an amateur web developer at heart, with a little but of a C# (that's C sharp for those that don't know) background. However, I have recently come to discover a small hidden talent in photo manipulation. I have been only manipulating for a few months but I am starting to get the a feel for it.

I also will be posting eventually some links to some random applications and programs that will be creating using C# and other various computer languages. Also look out for some of my web site templates, and maybe even some video editing (who knows).

Hopefully as time goes on and as I continue to post more and more, my skills and my work in all the genres that I dip and dab in will improve. Feel free to leave comments and/or constructive criticize

Plan3Design.net creator,

3rd Bush